Monday 27 April 2009

There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. You should be happy right in the here and now.

There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. You should be happy right in the here and now. There is no way to enlightenment. Enlightenment should be right here and right now. The moment when you come back to yourself, mind and body together, fully present, fully alive, that is already enlightenment. You are no longer a sleepwalker. You are no longer in a dream. You are fully alive. You are awake. Enlightenment is there.
Life Is Now Or Never, a segment from a Dharma talk on August 26th, 2007, by Thich Nhat Hanh


Andreas Mamet (Sw. Anand Karunesh) said...

And if that statement prevents us from engaging in the same massive degree of working upon oneself, meditation and prayer, that the author engaged in to reach that statement, we merely misuse this statement as an excuse to do nothing. As something ... does need to be done. Andreas Mamet

Spiros said...

Being in the present moment is the most demanding practice that exists. When and if one gets there, then there is a sudden realization that it is all too easy and all too simple. Compare with: