Thursday, 16 September 2010

Love flows towards happiness (Osho)

If you are happy, love will be flowing towards you... there is no need to ask. It is one of the basic laws. Just as water flows downwards, and fire flows upwards, love flows towards happiness... happinesswards. And this is the problem: people are miserable and love cannot flow towards them, so they make that a cause for their misery and they say we are bound to be miserable because love is not coming to us. Then they become more miserable, so even less love comes to them. Become happy and see - suddenly the whole world is there, available. Everybody was waiting for you to open your doors. The sun, the air, the fragrance was waiting to enter, and you were standing with closed doors. Open the doors.

Osho, Above All Don't Wobble

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Handbook to Higher Consciousness (Ken Keyes Jr.)

Millions of years ago when our animal ancestors had to survive in the jungle, it was necessary to have an instantly effective fight or flight mechanism. When a tiger was about to spring, an automatic emotional response was a life saver. A nervous shock was needed to squirt adrenalin into the blood so that muscles became jet powered. Emotional alarms were needed to command full attention. When a tiger was ready to jump, there was no time to admire the beautiful sunset. As a jungle survival mechanism, our animal ancestors were programmed for automatic duality—automatic feelings of otherness, threat, and paranoia. Survival required instant domination of consciousness to meet the perils of the jungle.

We are the pioneers in the evolution of human consciousness. It was only about 10,000 years ago that our ancestors built the first cities. As civilization grew, survival no longer depended on the instant fight or flight of the jungle. Survival and happiness now depend on tuning in to the overall situation involving ourselves, the people around us, and the total environment of the here and now. Perceptiveness, wisdom, and oneness are now the ingredients of effective and happy living. But our biocomputers are still programmed for jungle fight or flight—for a fast release of adrenalin into the blood stream, and for rapid heartbeat—for automatic anger and fear. In our social interactions, our consciousness magnifies molehills and makes them into mountains—and this constant distortion destroys our energy, our insight, and our ability to love.