Monday 1 October 2007

Mecano - Untitled (I know the power of words, I know the tocsin of words)

One of my best loved songs ever. Not to be confused with the Spanish pop band. This song is from the Dutch group.

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I know the power of words,
I know the tocsin of words.
They are not those that make theater boxes applaud.
Words like that make coffins break out
make them pace with their four oak legs.
It happens they are thrown out,
not printed, not published.
But the word gallops, its saddle girth tightened,
it rings through the ages and trains creep nearer
to lick... poetry's toil-hardened hands.


Anonymous said...

Μία σημείωση μόνο. Δεν πρόκειται για την τοξίνη (toxin) αλλά για το συναγερμό (tocsin). Για αυτό μιλάει ο Μαγιακόβσκι εδώ.