Tuesday 9 October 2007

Happy 67th birthday John Lennon!

If John Lennon were alive he would have been 67 now.

Hey, I am alive and younger.
And now I remember a line from Krapp's last tape, by Samuel Beckett.

Celebrated the awful occasion, as in recent years, quietly at the winehouse. Not a soul. Sat before the fire with closed eyes, separating the grain from the husks. Jotted down a few notes, on the back of an envelope. Good to be back in my den in my old rags. Have just eaten I regret to say three bananas and only with difficulty refrained from a fourth. Fatal things for a man with my condition. (Vehemently.) Cut 'em out! (pause.) The new light above my table is a great improvement. With all this darkness around me I feel less alone. (Pause.) In a way. (Pause.) I love to get up and move about in it, then back here to . . . (hesitates) . . . me. (pause.) Krapp.

Happy birthday to us John!


lifeform666 said...

Wonderful. Thank you.


"Curator" of the site with
Celebrated the awful occasion.

Spiros said...

Thank you lifeform :)